Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'll take Concise Descriptions for $1000...


The important facts about snow

Because I'm just that lovable...

Since I'm still alive...yes, that's probably true.

Silly Mom...

But you are SO not my friend this week...

What children really do at recess...

I'll take Concise Descriptions for $200...

If it itches, it must be scratched

Pure Confidence

Not going to happen. No matter how much you pray.

Hmm. Okay.


One cannot have weeds in the...thing

I'll take Vague Descriptions for $200...

Thursday, March 24, 2011


And yes...he said abominable just like it's (incorrectly) spelled. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And heave

"Can you lift me up there?...I know I'm a little heavy." - boy